Talking to others who have been down the same path can bring a great sense of relief and encouragement.

Our group exists to provide opportunities for men with prostate cancer and their families to meet for information, advice and mutual support.

The Albany Support Group works on three pillars, education, support and the social aspect of meeting together.

We co-operate with local health professionals and invite guest speakers on a variety of related issues.

We are affiliated with the Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia and draw from it’s resources and research.

Meeting Details:

We meet on the third Thursday of every month 9.30 am – 11.00am at the following venue:

Beryl Grant Centre
Townsend Street
Lockyer 6330

At our meetings we:

  • share experiences 
  • offer support to one another, wherever you are on the journey 
  • enhance learning through hearing from guest presenters and PCFA webinar resources
  • Have a chat over morning tea
  • We attempt to “buddy” enquiring men with people who have had similar experiences
  • A policy of confidentiality encourages open and frank discussion

As a Group we want to:

  • Increase awareness of men's health generally, and prostate cancer in particular, with a view to improving local PSA testing and early detection in the Great Southern. 
  • Reach out to men and their families on a prostate cancer journey
Location of Meeting

Beryl Grant Centre
Townsend Street
Lockyer WA 6330


Greg Kidd Group Leader
0433 404 920

Tim Walsh Secondary Contact
0400 987 727