30 April 2018

Combatting prostate cancer

By Michele Tydd, The Saturday Paper

For most men, a diagnosis of prostate cancer comes with news of an excellent survival rate. But the challenges of the illness can run far beyond the cancer itself.

Gary Conyers lost his father and sister when a truck ploughed into their car while on a family holiday in Victoria when he was 14. At 20 he lost his mother to cancer and soon after he left Australia to fight in the Vietnam War where he saw mates die beside him.

In 2008, aged 62, Conyers faced yet another personal battle – the loss of his identity as a husband and man when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Read more: https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/2018/04/28/combatting-prostate-cancer/15248376006133