15 January 2024
Vale David 

9/12/71 – 14/01/2024
Our friend and hero, David Webb, passed away last night after a six-year battle with prostate cancer.
Webby will be remembered as a brilliant aviation engineer, a devoted husband and father, and the greatest mate you could ever hope to have.
Born in beautiful Moree in the NSW Gwydir Valley, he never lost his love of the great outdoors, and spent 2023 travelling around Australia with the love of his life, his wife Nonie, ticking off items on their bucket list.
He was the rare type of man who had his feet firmly planted on the ground, while he cast his eyes to the sky, excelling in a 20-year career with Boeing. He was enchanted with space and captivated by the elegant mechanics of aeronautical engineering - sharing his passion in country-wide presentations to students.
Webby was born to inspire, becoming involved in our mission after his diagnosis at age 45. More than anything, he wanted to raise awareness of PSA testing, so that other men and families would be spared the pain of prostate cancer.
He died peacefully with his wife Nonie and their children Dalton, Baker, Logan, and Sierra by his side. 

Per ardua ad astra - through adversity to the stars.
We won’t forget him.